Monday, January 11, 2010

What to remember

We're all moving through history. Individually, it's meaningless. Altogether - we are history - we create history. We define history, now.

So be careful nobody sees you when you steal your neighbour's magazines. Someday your grandkids might get famous and end up on "Who Do You Think You Are".

Posted via email from Mike's posterous

Meandering on making plans

I went through a period of disregarding all future plans, and embracing a form of life that I thought was completely free, unpredictable, interesting, and refreshing. 

Is it feck. 

I'd completely no idea what to do with myself. I'd hate to say it was intended to sound bohemian, since i'm as "bohemian" as beans on toast. I just thought, if I expected nothing of life, i'd get more out of it. I'd appreciate things more. Open to all instances. All experiences.

No freakin' way!

What I found was maybe my true self, at least at this point in time. Quite boring, quite lazy. A barstool philosopher. At times, it's like looking at a life from the outside-in.

Not always a great feeling to "find yourself". Maybe you needed finding though.

Anyway, what i'm enjoying now is planning a trip to the US later this year, hopefully before the summer. Never been to the states, so why not?! Damn Hell Bitch! 

Initial plans, New York, Boston and Chicago. A while back I got somewhat interested in Irish emigration in history, and the effects on local history (abroad). I don't know how I got to like this topic, maybe I just like to see the impact we had as a somewhat nomadic race, abroad. That strain has somewhat died though. Now we seem to just blot the beaches of Australia and Thailand. 

I wonder if the people of Australia and South East Asia are absolutely sick of us?

Posted via email from Mike's posterous

What I do be reading...

Thought i'd shtick up a few more links to blogs i've been following for the last while. I never said I was interesting enough to write about myself.

Been following this for a few months. The shots are absolutely stunning. Must get a few prints of them for the house.

"Rambles around the head of an Irish Grandad" is the masthead for this one, and it's certainly fitting - sure what else would it be? Interesting, funny, refreshingly honest and therefore often insightful. A favourite.

I've pointed to kottke before, but I still love it for a random link when i'm bored. 

More random articles. I always find these kind of sites are really good for starting you off on a tangent of researching (I use that term very loosely) something you'd never had looked up before.

Loads of tutorials, from programming to graphic design to animation. Very useful.

Great for simple, cheap and tasty dishes.

Finally, TED talks. Interesting people, speaking about interesting topics. Plain and simple.

Posted via email from Mike's posterous